Secured Loan

You can obtain a loan with favorable terms using your business assets as collateral. Equipment, accounts receivable (A/R), or real estate can serve as collateral. These are primarily bank programs offered in the form of a line of credit, allowing you to use only the amount you need and pay interest only on the amount used. Like a credit card, the credit limit can be used repeatedly. These programs are suitable for mid-sized businesses that experience irregular cash flow. Each bank and lender may have different guidelines.

Business Line of Credit based on Asset

  • Business Asset-Backed Loan
  • Program to Help with Cash Flow
  • High Loan Amounts Based on Asset Value
  • Line of Credit
  • Option to Pay Minimum Monthly Interest, Helping Cash Flow
  • Use Only the Amount Needed and Pay Interest Only on the Amount Used
  • Revolving Credit, Use and Repay Up to the Limit Repeatedly

Various Secured Loan Programs:

Secured Loan by Equipment

  • No Personal Credit
  • Requirement
    Equipment Collateral Value: $350,000 or more
  • Minimum Loan Amount: $250,000
  • Loan to Value (LTV): Up to 80% of equipment value
  • Interest Rate: Prime + 4-6% APR
  • Line of Credit
  • Option to Pay Minimum Monthly Interest
  • Use and Repay as Needed
  • Repayment Term: 1-3 years, with refinancing options available

A/R Financing, or Factoring

  • Annual Revenue Requirement: $10 million – $100 million
  • Loan Amount: $100,000 – $15,000,000
  • Invoice Amount: 60% – 85%
  • Interest Rate: Prime + 4-6% APR
  • Line of Credit
  • Option to Pay Minimum Monthly Interest
  • Use and Repay as Needed
  • Repayment Term: 1-2 years, with refinancing options available

Asset-Based Lending

  • Annual Revenue Requirement: $10 million – $100 million
  • High Loan Amount: $2,000,000 – $15,000,000
  • Asset Collateral: A/R (Accounts Receivable) + Equipment + Real Estate
  • Interest Rate: Prime + 0-4% APR
  • Line of Credit
  • Option to Pay Minimum Monthly Interest
  • Use and Repay as Needed
  • Repayment Term: 1-2 years, with refinancing options available